With the car packed and ready to go, Sarah and I stopped by Dollar Tree before driving to St. Louis for Thanksgiving. Sarah needed a few hundred popsicle sticks for a primary Christmas craft and what better place to get popsicle sticks than the dollar store?
As we pulled into the parking lot, there was a truck in front of us that had stopped right in front of the store. Someone had just walked out of the store and got into their car, and said truck happened to be right behind this person's car. Not realizing that we were behind them (and I think hoping to take the soon to be available prime parking space), the driver of the truck began to back up.
Unfortunately, I couldn't put our car into reverse fast enough and honking the horn was to no avail as the crunch told us it was too late. We had become the proud owners of a trailer hitch dimple.
December came and went with no resolution from the truck driver's insurance company. Sarah and I decided to go to an OU basketball game the second weekend in January. On our way to the game, we stopped by Dollar Tree to restock on birthday cards since there were a number of birthdays upcoming.
As we drove from the dollar store to the basketball game, we started talking about the car and whether we would have the bumper repaired to just take the insurance money. We pulled up to a stop light behind a truck in the left turn lane. Then, inexplicably, the driver of this truck went in reverse, undeterred by our honking horn and gave us a matching trailer hitch dimple on the opposite side of the front bumper.
Sarah and I couldn't believe the irony of what happened and laughed at our fortune. Hopefully we have learned our lesson: Don't drive to Dollar Tree together in the Mazda. Two dimples are cute enough.