Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chickasha Festival of Light

On Sunday, Sarah and I went with our friends, the Barbers, to see the Festival of Light in Chickasha, Oklahoma (population: 16,036).  How big is the Festival of Light in Chickasha, Oklahoma, you ask?  Big enough that there are permanent road signs (up all year) to guide you to the park where the lights are.  The lights are in the city park that has a lake in the middle.  I apologize in advance if any of the pictures are blurry - it was pretty cold and it's hard to keep a cold hand steady.

Here are some of the highlights
The tall light tree can be seen for miles.
(Yes, that's a monster in the lake.)
Bryan, Sarah, Kate, Tyler (too busy to look for the picture)
Sarah though a snowflake like this could become my dad's next light project.
 A real, live camel
On the bridge over the lake
My personal favorite:  Here is Bryan with the lights.


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