Saturday, May 12, 2012

Return of the BS

I always laugh to when I look at people's blogs and every post starts with something like 
"I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged.  
I told myself I wouldn't do this when I started my blog."

There are a few reasons that I haven't updated the blog in a while.  
I will enumerate just a few for you:
1.  I wanted everyone who visited my blog to know how much I love my mom.
(Since the most recent post was about her, the odds are
 that people would read it, if people actually read my blog.)
2.  Time.  All of us know how busy our lives are and we have to choose how to use our time.
I've used the time since I last blogged to do some pretty important things, which you may 
even be lucky enough to read about if I find the time to share them with you.
3.  Popular demand.  I wanted to know if anyone outside of my mom (and my dad when he is bored at work) reads my blog.  So, when someone outside of my immediate family said something to me about reading my blog, I decided it would be worth continuing.  (I'm not sure whether I should thank my aunt Ruth for stalking me on the internet, but her comments did play a part in the return of the BS Report, so the person you really need to thank is her, if you know her.  If not, you're missing out.)
And yes, I realize that she is still a pretty close relative.  That's why I said my immediate family.

As an interesting side note, I was looking at the statistics for my blog and I think my page views have been higher in the last four months than they were when I was actually blogging.  
I guess you just kept checking back, waiting for me to post again.
I hope the anticipation didn't kill you.

1 comment:

  1. You're a nerd. Thanks for catching us up on your life :)
