Saturday, June 1, 2013

Zoo Trip with Friends and Ostrich Egg Breakfast

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged, with my main excuse being that blogging was a Sunday activity and Sundays have become pretty busy days since I was made the executive secretary in our ward. Then Sundays got even busier with the recent tornadoes and tornado cleanup. Then again, I haven't received any email complaints from my large readership, so there can't be too many people struggling to get by without their regular dose of the BS Report. 

Without further ado, let's get a quick recap of all our happenings during my blogging hiatus. 

I'm running out of ideas for blog titles that involve going to the zoo, and my vast readership is probably getting sick of pictures of us or animals at the zoo, but when that's the only exciting thing going on in our life, that's what makes its way on to the blog.

The Saturday in March that my spring break started, we decided to go to the zoo with the Heddys, a couple from our ward who we do FHE on Mondays.  We didn't think about how many people would think to go to the zoo on the first day of spring break, and I think we had to walk farther from the car to the zoo than we did once we were inside the zoo.
 We got to see the elephant show, complete with baby three year-old Maylee, which was pretty amazing.
 Not only were the elephants out to entertain, but the grizzly bears were as well.  We had a real good laugh watching them scratch their backs against the different trees.
 Last, but not least, we saw the sea lion show.  It wasn't Sea World, but it was still pretty good.
  Because we have a zoo membership, we get things in the mail for "Zoo Friends" (which Sarah is), including a race at the zoo, which is unfortunately on a Sunday.  Another was an invitation to the annual Ostrich Egg Breakfast at the zoo, which is a fundraising breakfast without actual ostrich eggs, despite its name (much to my disappointment).  Sarah wanted to go, so we went and there was a huge line for individualized omelets (we opted for the much faster line with pancakes, waffles, sausage and donuts).  The timing of the breakfast aligned with the feeding time for the meerkats, so I was able to capture some of their breakfast excitement.

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