Sunday, October 6, 2013


As an anniversary gift to each other, Sarah and I got season tickets to the Broadway theater in Oklahoma City.  Sarah had never seen "Wicked" before and when she found out it was coming to Oklahoma City, she really wanted to go (which is what led to our eventual season ticket purchase).  Plus, it was good motivation to make sure we go on regular dates.

The first show of the broadway season was "Wicked" in September, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  (We even ran into some of our friends there, so I've included their picture as well, since they sometimes frequent our blog.  You're welcome, Ben and Erica.)
(I told Sarah that since we were on a date that maybe we should stand by each other.) 
 Random story related to the musical: The former institute director here in Norman (he just moved back to Utah this fall) once saw one of the institute students wearing a shirt from the musical that just said "Wicked" across the front of it.  He was telling us how strange he thought it was that somebody would wear a shirt that labels them as "wicked" (Why not wear a shirt that says "Righteous"?)  We informed him that there was a popular musical with that name and I think he felt a little better about the choices of that student.


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