Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Bryan

Since today is Bryan's birthday and because his wife isn't around to do anything for him, I decided that I would take it upon myself to make this day special for him.  So, last night when I realized that I didn't have cake mix or frosting (and because I don't have the home-making or culinary skills necessary to make them in a reasonable amount of time), I made a quick trip to Walmart to get everything I needed.

Also, since it was Bryan's special day, I decided that I wouldn't wake him up, but rather let him sleep as long as he needed to.  The only problem with that plan was that he didn't wake up until 9:15 this morning and church started at 9:00.  Luckily for me, he choose to stick around for the next ward's sacrament meeting after getting to church half an hour late, which gave me more time in the kitchen to get things ready for him.  Nothing quite like a surprise birthday cake on your birthday.

So, after slaving in the kitchen (yes, it is slavery for me to add water, oil and eggs to a box cake mix, bake it, let it cool and then frost it), I had a wonderful birthday cake for Bryan. (Unfortunately, I couldn't find the candles at Walmart last night, plus there is a state wide burn ban in Oklahoma, so I wasn't sure it was legal and I didn't want Bryan to see that many candles and realize how old he is getting.  Everything considered, I thought it was pretty thoughtful of me to not include the candles.)
 He seemed pretty excited for the cake, even though he gave me that obnoxious smile of his, feigning that he was more excited than he really was.  I told him he wouldn't want that picture on the blog and that he needed to sit up straight, so he gave me a more decent picture.  (I also told him that he needed to shave, but his response was "It's my birthday!", so I let it go.)
 With the fear of offending all those loved ones who sent Bryan a birthday card, I've included a picture of his favorite.  (He didn't tell me if it was his favorite because it was from his wife or because it has his dry sort of humor or some combination of the two.)
Since his wife wasn't around to give her permission to post pictures of the rest of the card, I haven't included those.

So, as strange as it may sound coming from me, I just wanted to let Bryan know that even though he is far from loved ones that doesn't mean he is far from being loved.
Happy Birthday Bryan!

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