Sunday, August 19, 2012

Vegas Wedding

In the middle of June, we took a quick trip down to Vegas to the wedding of one of Sarah's good friends from high school - Laura O'Connor (now Petersen).
Sarah got to catch up with some of her friends from high school and I got to be entertained by her friend Emily's husband, Noah.  He comes from a polygamist family, is a cowboy, is currently "retired" and eats more than anyone I know.  Needless to say, I was entertained.
Sarah with her friends - Emily, Kristine, Marissa and Meghan 
Sarah with the groom (Jordan) and bride (Laura).
If you didn't notice, Laura and her sister Melissa are twins.  Sarah met them in high school when they ran track together and they've been good friends ever since.  They aren't LDS, but Sarah still calls their dad "Brother O'Connor."  I greeted him as such when we arrived and his response impressed me.  After smiling, he said, "You know what, it's interesting, but people assume that if you're a good person and actively volunteer in the community that you must be LDS.  A lot of people at my work think I'm LDS because of that and I take it as a compliment."
Jeanette, Laura, Sarah and Melissa

Somehow I managed to not get my picture taken.  What a shame.


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