Welcome to the BS Report, my blog used to update whoever is interested about mine and Sarah's life, or to simply share random thoughts with whoever gets on here and reads them.
For those who care to know, the inspiration for this site comes from multiple sources. First and foremost, I have to recognize my wife. Without her, this would simply be "The B Report," which doesn't have nearly the same effect, and there wouldn't be near as much interest, because who wants to look at the website of some single guy? So, thank you to my wife, Sarah, who is the "S" in my "BS."
Second, for those of you who know me, you know that I like to follow sports, and I tend to only read the sports section of the newspaper while glancing over the rest. I spend a considerable time reading ESPN.com, which has a columnist named Bill Simmons who also has a podcast called The B.S. Report. Although I only occasionally read his column and I've never listened to a podcast, the name of the podcast kind of stuck with me.
Finally, for those wondering where the "t" is in the URL of the site, we come to the last inspiration for the site name - The Colbert Report. For those of you who are not familiar with The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert is a comedian who has a show with said name, in which he humorously covers mostly political news. The "t" at the end of his name is pronounced normally, but for his TV persona, it is silent, as is the "t" in "report". Thus, it is pronounced "repor." Initially, I was going to have the URL be something like "bsreport" or "thebsreport" and then just tell people it's pronounced "repor" but when both of those URLs were taken, I figured I'd just include the pronunciation guide in the URL.
I guess for those of you with naughty minds, "BS" also has another meaning, so if you ever dislike anything that I share on here, you could label it in your mind as "BS."
So, without further ado, welcome to the BS Report.
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